Beachside Teen Treatment Center

13 Apr

Planning for PTSD Treatment

Teens who experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have in some way been involved in or exposed to death, violence, or serious injury. They may have directly experienced a traumatic event or been a witness to a life-alerting situation. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, it…
13 Apr

Teens, Rehab Helps

Your parents, your friends, your doctor, your therapist – everyone is saying rehab is your next stop. But, you are unsure if that’s what you want or need. Shouldn’t this be your decision? While conventional wisdom says that rehab only works when the patient is ready to work their recovery,…
13 Apr

Is Your Teen Using Dissociative Drugs?

Like many people, the term ‘dissociative’ may not be in your everyday vocabulary. It means “causing disconnection or separation” according to Therefore, when we are speaking about drug use and teenagers, dissociative drugs are those that cause feelings of disconnection or separation from the world. In other words, hallucinogens…