Individualized Multi-Disciplined Program
Our diverse team of psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists provide evidenced-based, comprehensive, individualized treatment programs.
Contact us today to begin therapy and find your path to recovery.

Our diverse team of psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists provide evidenced-based, comprehensive, individualized treatment programs, using a range of multi-disciplined therapeutic modalities to best suit each client’s needs. Practitioners assist and guide clients to discover healthy activities and interests to re-channel their energies in a positive and nurturing direction.
Clients are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings through daily journaling and embrace new options, experiences, and open-minded views. Clients are also taught responsibility through their work in the organic vegetable garden, and the daily care of their orchid plant gifted to them upon intake.
Guest lecturers are invited to attend the facility periodically to share their work experiences with the clients in order to inspire them with ideas for future career paths and professional training. With a maximum of six clients in the residence at any one time, we are able to offer unique individualized care and attention with the highest of standards, allowing clients to reach a point of sustainable wellness, personal responsibility, and overall success.
Furthermore, our individualized approach recognizes the unique nature and experience of each of our clients. We value the distinct abilities and character traits that your loved ones bring to our program. To that effect, we aim to maximize and strengthen those attributes in a healthy and positive way so that each client will flourish while at Beachside Treatment Center, and moreover, learn to nurture those characteristics to affect constructive impact upon re-entry and re-integration into the outside world.

Meet Our Team
When left untreated, adolescent behavioral health issues can lead to lifelong struggles with mental health and addiction. We’re here to help your child discover healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress and mental health symptoms. Our team is a diverse group of professionals who are here to provide for your child’s needs throughout their treatment program.