Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us today to begin therapy and find your path to recovery.

Does my teen need to be referred to Beachside Treatment Center?
No. Although we receive many referrals from healthcare providers, your teenager does not need a referral to enter any of our programs. Our professional staff can properly evaluate, diagnose, and treat the client.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes. We work with many insurance carriers. To better understand your insurance coverage, call us at 800-200-1455 to speak directly with one of our staff.
What types of conditions do you treat?
At Beachside Treatment Center, we specialize in the treatment of teenagers. We treat teens who are struggling from a variety of problems including mental health problems, chemical dependencies, and behavioral problems.
Is there a difference between teen programs and adult programs?
Yes. Teenagers have very specific needs and requirements when entering and moving through a recovery program. Their needs are often much different than those of an adult. Beachside Treatment Center only works with teens and therefore our professionals are experienced and well equipped to provide outstanding treatment.
What are your qualifications?
Our facility is unique in that we only work with teens. We are licensed through the State of California. Our facility license number is #198209205. In addition, each of our professional staff is properly licensed with the State of California for their specific degrees.
What is the best way to learn more or get started?
The best way to answer any questions that you have or to enroll the client into our program is to make a call to us at 800-200-1455. All conversations are strictly confidential, and you can speak with one of our knowledgeable enrollment specialists.
What resources do you recommend for mental health or substance abuse disorders?
There are many organizations that provide information about substance abuse. Some that we recommend include National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), Department of Health and Human Services, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
Is Beachside Treatment Center ADA compliant?
Yes, Beachside Treatment Center is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and the California Civil Rights Act. We are committed to providing proper and safe accommodations for all individuals, including those with disabilities.
Does Beachside Treatment Center accept service animals?
Yes, Beachside Treatment Center accepts service animals. To ensure proper accommodation, we will ask if the service animal is required because of a disability, and what work or task has the service animal been trained to perform. For further details or if you have additional questions, please contact our Admissions Team.