Beachside Teen Treatment Center

23 Sep

Teen Learning Disabilities & Therapy Options

According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, one out of every five children has challenges with learning and attention. Although learning disabilities have absolutely nothing to do with one’s level of intelligence, they do unfortunately carry a stigma and may be very difficult for children, especially teenagers, to manage.…
23 Sep

Good Mental Health Podcasts For Teens

Podcasts being a fairly new technology are in fact, somewhat old school. According to a Nielsen report, 51% of the U.S. population listen to the more than 750,000 podcasts out there Podcasts are like radio 2.0, or simply a new way of receiving important, useful information through radio broadcasts. They…
23 Sep

How Peer Pressure Affects Students

Kimberly couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The giant purple + on the test stick would change her life forever. Her boyfriend, Mark, was going to freak out. She couldn’t be pregnant! They only had sex a couple of times – and her friends were so excited for her to…