Beachside Teen Treatment Center

18 Jun

Why Are Anxiety Disorders So Common

Anxiety disorders have inundated the public sphere in the past decade. As people become more educated about mental health issues, they are beginning to notice signs and symptoms in themselves as well as loved ones or children. Some experts speculate that anxiety disorders are not so much more common as…
17 Jun

How to Reduce Anxiety

“Life is 10 percent what you experience and 90 percent how you respond to it.” ~ Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph. D. – Internationally recognized therapist For teens suffering from anxiety, this 90% can be overwhelming, all-consuming, and life-changing. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association (ADAA), anxiety disorders are present…
17 Jun

Anxiety in Teens & The Effect of Social Media

The Social Challenge: Today we live in a society where news and people travel fast. Humans can travel from one place to the next more quickly than ever before. Similarly, communication of all kinds, photographs, information, and videos are available to download and view at the touch of a button.…
17 Jun

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – or simply referred to as Anxiety – is an emotion that occurs in many situations. Anyone can experience anxiety, and most will at some point during their lifetime.  Teen anxiety can arise from several causes, including people, events, or circumstances that cause discomfort, fear, or worry…