Beachside Teen Treatment Center

18 Jun

Why PTSD Triggers Years Later

Post-traumatic stress disorder – PTSD – is, by its very name, a disorder that is triggered after a traumatic event. It may be almost immediately after, or it could be years later. The human brain has a way of storing information in compartments. There are good and bad memories, events…
17 Jun

What Causes PTSD in Teens?

Many people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, trauma does not discriminate based on age, economic standing, or other demographics. Consequently, traumatic events can impact seniors, adults, children, and teens alike. A wide range of studies suggests as many as forty percent of children…
13 Apr

Planning for PTSD Treatment

Teens who experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have in some way been involved in or exposed to death, violence, or serious injury. They may have directly experienced a traumatic event or been a witness to a life-alerting situation. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, it…