Beachside Teen Treatment Center

17 Jun

Imagine a life where you can achieve your greatest desires and always have the odds in your favor. Are you doing it? Good. If you keep imagining it, it might come true – at least, according to TikTok.

Lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifesting has been all the rage online, with thousands of users recounting anecdotes of how these philosophies have changed their life. And we mean thousands, with #luckygirlsyndrome clocking in 793 million views on TikTok and #bedelusional coming in at 63 million views.

So just what is lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifesting? And, more importantly, does it actually work?

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?

For those who don’t know, lucky girl syndrome is a phenomenon where if you simply believe that you are lucky, then lucky things will happen to you.

Originally coined by Laura Galebe, a TikTok creator, she explains in her viral video where her luck and success has come from. “I have always made it a point to tell everyone that I am so lucky. I just always expect great things to happen to me and so they do.”

Wishing for the same type of fortune, people all over the internet have been reciting lucky girl mantras, such as:

  • “I am so lucky.”
  • “Great things are always happening to me unexpectedly.”
  • “Things always work out for me.”
  • “I’m so lucky that opportunities are always coming my way.”

Galebe swears by this type of thinking, stating “try being delusional for a month and tell me if your life doesn’t change.”

What is Delusional Manifesting?

“The secret is to assume and believe it before the concrete proof shows up. BE DELUSIONAL.” Galebe writes in the caption of her post.

She isn’t just saying this as a joke; she’s referring to another trending hashtag called #bedelusional. This is another method of manifesting the life you want originating from Kierra Lewis, another creator on the social media platform.

In Lewis’ video, she encourages her audience to cast away the idea of “being realistic” and to manifest your greatest dreams and ideal self by believing them to be absolutely true, even if it feels like you’re lying to yourself.

“Who are you hurting by being delusional? Who are you hurting by thinking you are the s***?” Lewis exclaims in her viral video.

Although this concept has been named in poor taste (as it may undermine the very real experience of delusions for those with psychotic disorders), the premise has resonated with many people. Thousands have shared their own stories of success through this way of manifesting. Whether it was getting together with their ideal partner or getting their dream job, many claim that this way of thinking has changed their lives.

Is Lucky Girl Syndrome and Delusional Manifesting Real?

The idea of believing something until it comes true isn’t new. In fact, these theories fall under the umbrella of magical thinking – the belief that one can influence the material world with their thoughts, words, actions, or use of symbols. And magical thinking has been around since the 19th century!

To be more specific, both lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifestation center around two laws:

  1. The law of attraction, a philosophy that you attract what you put out into the universe. So positive thoughts bring positive outcomes, and negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
  2. The law of assumption, the philosophy that if you believe whatever you want is already within your reach, it will inevitably come.

But both these laws are widely considered pseudoscience. So how is lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifesting still resonating with so many people?

The Psychology of Positive Thinking

While many link lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifesting to the laws of attraction and assumption, psychology might lend a better (and more scientific) explanation of both phenomena.

Positive psychology, a branch of psychology that focuses on what brings people meaningful and deep satisfaction in their lives, has already researched the biggest asset of lucky girl syndrome and delusional manifestation – positive thinking. And positive thinking is powerful.

Those with optimistic mindsets tend to have strong immunity and better overall well-being, such as increased lifespan and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Those who nurture positive thoughts and emotions also tend to have stronger resilience, which enables them to thrive even in crisis.

Although there is no consensus as to why this is, some theorize that those who think positively tend to lead healthier lifestyles. While a pessimistic person would just accept unfortunate circumstances as the way things are, optimists are more prone to looking on the bright side of things and seeking out solutions. This leads to better coping habits and the avoidance of detrimental behavior, thus resulting in healthier living.

But what does this have to specifically do with luck and manifesting the life you want? Studies show that believing you’re lucky tends to be linked with having a more positive mindset and a greater inclination to seek out opportunities. So, having more confidence to find and pursue the things you want coupled with all the health benefits of positive thinking could certainly feel quite lucky.

Ways to Incorporate Positive Thinking in Your Life

With so many benefits to positive thinking, some of you might be wondering how to think more positively in general. For those who need some ideas on how to get started, some of our favorite ways are:

  • Keep a gratitude journal. Whether this is on paper or your phone, take some time every week or even every day to quickly jot down the things you’re grateful for. This can be a great way to appreciate the things that we often take for granted, such as having a roof over your head, access to food, great friends and family, etc.
  • Write yourself positivity notes. Grab a sticky note pad, write down words or phrases that cheer you up, and stick them where you can see them! Sometimes we need a boost of encouragement, so remind yourself that “You got this!” and “The best is yet to come!” with notes all around your room/work space.
  • Make a vision board. A classic way not only to manifest your dream life, but to picture it too. Putting together a physical representation of the bright future you imagine for yourself can be a fun way to be optimistic about your life. So take out those scissors and glue sticks, and start brainstorming what you want your life to look like and how you can make that happen!

Should You Participate in These Trends?

It wouldn’t hurt to go through life thinking that you are lucky and wishing the best for yourself, especially if you tend to look at the glass half empty. Undoing negative thought patterns (such as expecting the worst and only focusing on the negatives) is actually a practice of cognitive behavioral therapy as well, a psycho-social intervention that helps those with depression and anxiety. So, if delusional manifesting and lucky girl syndrome are fun ways to dabble into these cognitive skills, why not?

Just be careful not to cross into toxic positivity territory, which is the belief that you should reject any and all difficult emotions and only be cheerful instead. There are no such things as bad or good emotions; emotions are meant to be informative and useful. To deny yourself these important signals can ultimately be harmful and prevent growth in your life. Finding balance between having confidence in your ability to persevere and still honoring your emotions is key.

If you or a loved one are down on your luck and struggling with mental health, Beachside Teen Treatment Center is here to provide compassionate and effective care. Our team of experienced professionals understands the unique challenges facing teenagers and is dedicated to helping each individual achieve lasting recovery. By offering a range of evidence-based therapies and a safe, welcoming environment, Beachside Teen Treatment Center is committed to supporting young people in building healthy, fulfilling lives. If you need help taking the first step towards recovery, contact a member of our admissions team today.