Beachside Teen Treatment Center

17 Jun

Teens partying may seem harmless, but it is a potential danger for teens throughout high school and early college. Despite the legal drinking age being 21 across the United States, it is not uncommon for teens to view parties as a rite of passage of sorts once they enter high school. College-age teens may choose to party as they experiment with the newfound freedoms that come with leaving home and forging a path outside of parental rules and restrictions. Both scenarios often lead teens to begin experimenting with alcohol or engaging in heavy or binge drinking far earlier than 21 years of age. 

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Data from recent studies indicate rates of alcohol abuse among teens are declining; however, problematic drinking among teens has not fallen to the point where concern among parents and guardians is unwarranted. Social interaction and peer interaction are vital components of teen growth. That said, it is inevitable that most teens are exposed to or potentially exposed to alcohol and the temptation that comes with drinking at teen parties. 

A study conducted in 2019 looked at the drinking patterns among teens between ages 12 and 20. Data from that report suggested nearly 20% of teens reported drinking an alcoholic beverage in the previous 30 days. Overall, data from the report shows more than 7 million youth classified as teens are at risk of developing an alcohol use disorder. 

There are many ways teens obtain and consume alcohol. Traditional means include finding someone else who is of age to buy alcohol or supply alcohol for a party. Some teens may help themselves to their parent’s liquor cabinet to provide alcohol to friends. Regardless of the methods used to get alcohol to a party, teen drinking is dangerous for both teens and their parents or guardian. 

Why Do Teens Drink at Parties?

Teens drink at parties for many reasons, from peer pressure to curiosity, or simply seeing it as part of the “teen experience.” Some even use alcohol to numb emotional distress. Below, we summarize key points and potential warning signs.

Why Teens Drink

  • Peer Pressure: Teens feel pressured to fit in or impress friends.
  • Curiosity: Seeing adults drink fosters interest in trying alcohol.
  • “Teen Experience”: Belief that drinking is a normal adolescent milestone.
  • Self-Medication: Alcohol temporarily masks painful emotions or mental health struggles.
  • Boredom/Rebellion: Risk-taking can feel exciting or serve as a way to defy authority.

How It Escalates

Experimentation can become dangerous when teens start needing more alcohol for the same effect. They might steal drinks, skip responsibilities, or experiment with stronger substances—all signs of a possible alcohol use disorder. If you notice these changes, seeking professional help is vital.

The Dangers of Teen Drinking Parties

The effects of teen drinking, especially frequent heavy drinking or binge drinking, are many. Depending on the teen and how much they drink, the effects of drinking at a party may be immediate or develop out of a pattern of chronic behavior. Information from the National Institutes of Health indicates that 70% of teens who begin drinking at an early age engage in frequent, heavy drinking by the age of 19. 

However, it is essential to note that teens do not need to drink heavily to suffer from the immediate consequences of drinking at a party. Teen bodies are smaller than adults, and therefore, far less alcohol is required to reach a blood alcohol content (BAC) level that would cause impairment. Thus, the crash risk associated with drinking and driving is far higher for teens and young adults than for adults of legal drinking age. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 24% of teen drivers (ages 15-20) who died in motor vehicle accidents in 2019 had been drinking. Additionally, 15% of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents had a BAC of 0.08% or higher. While there is no clear statistic that links teen driving fatalities to teen parties, it is not out of the question to connect the two. 

In addition to the worse consequence of all, death, other negative impacts can result from teen drinking parties. These may include addiction, engaging in risky or dangerous behaviors, sexual assault, physical assault, increased risk for other mental health disorders, increased risk of teen suicide, and significant legal repercussions linked to underage drinking. 

Potential Consequences of Teen Partying

Parents generally understand the potential dangers linked to teen partying and drinking. Many parents also understand there is a significant likelihood that teens drink at parties, despite all parents say and do to try and steer their child in a “safe” direction. What many parents may not understand is how teen partying can impact parents. 

First, teen drinking can lead to legal and financial troubles for the entire family. Each state has specific rules regarding parental responsibility for underage drinking, and some states impose hefty punishments on parents whose children engage in underage drinking. This applies even in situations where you may not know your alcohol is provided. For example, suppose you are away, and your teen hosts a party where alcohol is supplied and consumed. In that case, you can be held liable for the party and all impacts related to the party, even if you are entirely unaware of the events occurring at your home. Should an accident or other incident occur related to an underage drinking party at your home, law enforcement and the legal system may hold you financially and criminally liable to the victims. 

Get Help for Your Teen At Beachside

Alcohol addiction or an alcohol use disorder can develop from early experimentation with alcohol. Although many teens see drinking at a party as experimentation or “harmless fun,” many do not realize the wide-reaching harm underage drinking causes. Outside of permanent injury and loss of life, long-term misuse of alcohol leads to dependency and addiction. 

Abusing alcohol is often more than experimentation. When someone struggles with a dependency on alcohol, and they drink frequently, it leads to changes in the brain. These changes cause your teen to crave and need alcohol to function each day. Alcohol addiction or an alcohol use disorder is a mental health condition. If your teen is unable to stop engaging in harmful drinking or destructive behaviors related to alcohol, it is essential to seek help at a teen alcohol treatment center like Beachside. As part of treatment, we will help them manage detox and withdrawal symptoms so they can begin their journey towards overcoming alcohol addiction. A therapy program designed around their unique needs will help them learn more about engaging with peers and other daily interactions without alcohol. 

Teen drinking parties are dangerous for your teen and for you. Even if your teen is not hosting parties in your home, there are many consequences that can arise from your teen attending a party, especially without parental supervision or a party where alcohol is served. It is essential to communicate with your teen so they can understand all of the potential risks. 

It is important to note that not all teen parties lead to drinking, drug use, and other challenges. Many teens and college students alike attend get-togethers and parties without issues of any kind. However, it is crucial to understand the possible consequences (medical, emotional, and legal) of underage teen parties. While it is true that attending a teen party is not a direct link to the development of an alcohol use or drug use disorder, many teen parties do increase the risk for exposure to alcohol and other substances your teen may not have access to under different circumstances.  

If you’re worried about your teen, it is important to talk with them about the possible effects of alcohol use among teens. If you are unsure of where to start, let a professional at Beachside help. Contact us today to learn more about our teen-focused treatment programs and how you can break the ice with your teen about this potentially life-changing topic.