
Beachside Teen Treatment Center

Unspecified Anxiety Disorder

An anxiety disorder is a state of fear, uncertainty and/or extreme nervousness, that results from an anticipated threat, event or a situation.

Contact us today to begin therapy and find your path to recovery.
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder


An anxiety disorder is a state of fear, uncertainty and/or extreme nervousness, that results from an anticipated threat, event or a situation, to such an extent that it disrupts the normal physical or psychological daily functioning. Many factors, such as, environmental, medical, genetics, brain chemistry, substance abuse, or a combination of any of these may cause anxiety disorders. Generally, stress is the most common reason for an anxiety disorder.

Teen Unspecified Anxiety Disorder

Unspecified anxiety disorder in teens is an anxiety disorder that hampers a teen’s ability to function normally in various social situations. When an individual exhibits symptoms of two or more kinds of anxiety disorders, he/she will often be diagnosed with an unspecified anxiety disorder due to the overlapping of similar symptoms, making it difficult to isolate any one type of anxiety disorder.

Causes & Symptoms of


It is generally thought that a change in the chemical balance in the brain causes unspecified anxiety disorder. Otherwise, no specific causes are known at this time. The uncertainty of symptoms and their cause/origin make this disorder a very difficult one to accurately diagnose and competently treat. However, there are signs and symptoms that one can look out for.

Symptoms of Unspecified Anxiety Disorder

  • Irritability, short tempered
  • Panic attacks
  • Sleep problems
  • Selective amnesia
  • Detachment or withdrawal from family and friends
  • Avoidance of circumstances or situations
  • Nervousness
  • Overreacting
  • Feelings of bewilderment
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Overwhelmed by sadness
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Zero or low motivation level
Unspecified Anxiety


Due to the disorder being unspecified and the symptoms overlapping with other disorders, unspecified anxiety disorder can prove difficult to treat. Therapy and professional help can only be helpful to a teen who learns to deal with and manage his/her symptoms, as well as educate him/herself with effective methods and tools as preventive measures.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This therapy involves the study of one’s thoughts and subsequent behaviors as triggered by one’s thought patterns. Through CBT, the therapist becomes acquainted with all factors that trigger stress and anxiety in that individual. The teenager is then trained to avoid these factors and learns tools to help navigate thoughts and behaviors if and when triggered again. The success of CBT depends on how responsive a person is to accept and be committed to the slow process of change.


Studies have shown that one who suffers from any type of anxiety disorder will benefit greatly from a positive change in routine. Practicing yoga regularly, engaging in sports, athletic and nature activities help to lower stress levels. One should also avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, sugar rich products, tea, and energy drinks, as these substances can trigger feelings of panic and anxiety.

Treatment at Beachside Treatment Center

Beachside Treatment Center is a beautiful residential rehabilitation facility for adolescents struggling with mental health disorders. Based in Malibu, California, with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, it employs the key principles of mind-body health, catering to each client’s physical, emotional, mental, psychological and nutritional needs.

After admission at Beachside Treatment Center, our clients undergo a series of professional evaluations, aimed at finding the root cause of the disorder. Although unspecified anxiety disorder is more tricky to diagnose and treat, our professional evaluations, coupled with our dedicated staff and bespoke treatment plans will provide the very best opportunity for maximum healing and ultimate life quality.

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