Beachside Teen Treatment Center

angry teenager
21 Mar

Why Is My Teen So Angry? – How You Can Help

Anger is a natural emotion for teenagers to express as they undergo physical, emotional, and mental changes. As they navigate the difficulties of adolescence it is common for them to display occasional outbursts of anger. However, this anger is not always healthy. In some cases, it can be triggered by underlying mental and behavioral health conditions. Furthermore, severe, violent displays of anger can cause damage to themselves, others, and their environment. It is crucial for parents who are asking themselves “Why is my teen so angry?” to understand the difference between normal anger and excessive anger and when treatment for anger management may be necessary. 

Beachside Teen offers comprehensive mental health treatment for teens in California. Call us now at 888-254-0916.

Healthy Anger in Teens

Like adults, it is possible for teens to exhibit anger as a natural and normal response to a situation. This is considered ‘healthy anger.’ When teens are equipped with the right tools, they can handle frustrating situations with an appropriate level of anger—processing and expressing their emotions in a reasonable way. This anger turns unhealthy when they frequently overreact or their outbursts become violent. 

Some teens may lack the emotional maturity and coping skills needed to process and express their anger in a constructive way. They may get loud with their parents or cry as a response to the way they feel. This does not necessarily mean they have an underlying disorder or anger issues. In fact, they may simply need parents to help guide them in displaying their anger in a healthy manner. It is important for parents to encourage healthy outlets for releasing anger such as spending time outdoors, engaging in creative activities, or exercising. 

When to be Concerned About Your Teen’s Anger

Fits of anger can be an indicator that your teen needs professional intervention. Though anger can be an understandable response to certain situations and challenges, it turns into unhealthy anger when a teen’s reaction is disproportionate. If they show anger often, lose control quickly, or even become violent, it is cause for concern. Their reactiveness is most likely due to an underlying condition. 

Punishing teens for their explosive behaviors is not a sustainable solution. Your teen may be covering up emotional distress or a personal issue with anger. This is why it is important to facilitate open communication with your teen and get to the root cause of their actions and feelings. 

Causes of Teenage Anger

To answer the question “Why is my teen so angry?”, parents should look at what could be behind their teen’s behavior. Though again anger can be a perfectly normal emotion for a teenager, unhealthy anger could be a sign of a serious problem. The common causes of unhealthy anger are outlined below:

  • Unresolved trauma
  • Underlying mental health disorder
  • Abuse/bullying
  • Drug and/or alcohol misuse
  • Inability to process emotions
  • Negative, learned behaviors 

Parents should understand that if substance misuse, trauma, or mental illness are behind their child’s anger, they necessitate a proper diagnosis and professional treatment. Furthermore, anger management courses and therapy may be necessary for those who have trouble regulating and expressing their feelings or who have learned poor displays of anger from those close to them.

Ways to Help Teens Manage Their Anger

Parents should be aware of ways to manage anger in their teens so that they can effectively support them while encouraging healthy coping habits. Ways that parents can aid their teen when struggling with anger are listed below:

  • Encourage Relaxation Techniques: Promote calmness in your teen by teaching them muscle relaxation and breathing techniques. You can also encourage them to come up with a safe space to go to mentally when they are angry. 
  • Set & Maintain Boundaries: When your teen’s anger gets out of hand, you should have rules and limitations. Discuss the repercussions of pushing these limits with your teen and uphold them.
  • Keep Your Emotions in Check: How your teen is displaying their anger may make you frustrated. This is normal, but if you find yourself getting too riled up, take a break and return to the conversation when calm. Also, pick your battles and let go of small issues that will only exacerbate the situation. 
  • Allow Them Time to Reset: Similar to you, your teen may need to walk away when they get angry. This can be a sign of self-awareness and personal growth. Allow them to do so, and return to the issue when they are feeling more level-headed.
  • Consider Teen Hormones: Teenage hormones can cause a rollercoaster of emotions. Keep in mind that they can only control their behavior, not their hormones, and give grace when appropriate. 
  • Don’t Criticize: When you can, avoid criticism and focus on the positives. That way, teens do not feel judged and understand you are coming from a place of love. 

Does Your Teen Need Professional Support for Anger Management?

If the answer to your question “Why is my teen so angry?” is pointing towards a mental health issue, substance abuse, lack of emotional regulation, or a learned behavior, then proper treatment is needed. Depending on the root cause of their anger, teens will participate in a variety of therapies and anger management courses throughout the duration of their treatment program. 

The therapeutic modalities used may include behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as these focus on replacing negative thought patterns and behaviors with more positive ones. Furthermore, holistic interventions such as yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can encourage calmness and inner peace in teens. Ultimately, the goal of adolescent treatment programs is to help teenagers learn ways to cope with stresses and triggers so that they find long-term success and fulfillment. 

Find Treatment for Teen Behavioral Issues in Malibu, CA

As parents, you want your child to display healthy behaviors and positive habits so that they can excel. We recognize how upsetting it can be when your teen is struggling with anger issues. At Beachside Teen, we offer a full continuum of services designed to meet the needs of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. This includes a therapeutic education program, clinically proven therapies, outdoor activities, and alternative healing strategies. Our compassionate staff is committed to the ongoing happiness of our clients and their families. To learn more about how we can help, give us a call or visit our admissions page today. 

Ready to Learn More About Supporting Your Teen?

At Beachside Teen, we understand the unique challenges of adolescent development and mental health. Our team of specialists offers comprehensive assessments and personalized support for teens and their families.

Call us now at 888-254-0916.