Beachside Teen Treatment Center

teen with failure to launch syndrome
06 Jan

Some teenagers and young adults struggle to move forward in their lives and achieve the success expected of them. This is commonly referred to as failure to launch syndrome and primarily affects those between the ages of 18 and 29. Those struggling with failure to launch often live at home with family longer than expected and have trouble maintaining a steady income. For parents and loved ones, this can be frustrating.

However, it is important to note that those having a hard time kickstarting their future are not necessarily lazy and may be struggling with psychological, environmental, and neurological challenges. Continue reading to learn more about the signs and symptoms of failure to launch syndrome, as well as what to do to encourage personal growth and self-sufficiency in your loved ones. 

What is Failure to Launch Syndrome?

Failure to launch refers to the phenomenon where a person, typically a teenager or young adult, has a hard time achieving the milestones of independence and personal growth synonymous with transitioning into adulthood. This might involve challenges such as difficulty finding or maintaining a job, not pursuing career goals or higher education, or remaining reliant on family members for financial support.

While the reasons for this delay differ by person, the overall result is typically the same: individuals with failure to launch feel trapped in a continued state of immaturity and are thus unwilling, or unable, to move forward in their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Failure to Launch Syndrome 

Those who are struggling with failure to launch syndrome typically display a range of symptoms. The exact symptoms an individual exhibits may vary depending on their specific situation. Common signs that a teenager or young adult is having trouble jumpstarting their independence include the following:  

  • Uncertainty about future goals
  • A clear lack of drive or ambition
  • Minimal effort or commitment toward responsibilities
  • General lack of direction
  • Self-centered attitude or behavior
  • Holding others to high standards, though they do not meet the same expectations 
  • Trouble owning up to mistakes or responsibilities
  • Difficulty with following through
  • An overall sense of apathy or lack of motivation
  • Evident delay in taking essential life steps
  • Having a particularly hard time coping with stress or setbacks

Unfortunately, these traits often exacerbate one another. This makes it even more difficult for individuals to make improvements in their personal and/or professional lives. 

Causes of Failure to Launch Syndrome

Though there is not one known cause of failure to launch syndrome, several risk factors can be cited. These include: 

  • Overparenting: Though it is important to support your children, too much involvement can lead to enabling. Parents may shield their children or solve their problems into adulthood, which can cause a lack of independence and motivation. 
  • Mental illness: Mental health conditions such as anxiety and mood disorders can make it difficult for individuals to achieve the success they desire. Therapy and certain medications can help alleviate the symptoms of mental illness and, therefore help young people overcome failure to launch. 
  • Addiction: Drug or alcohol misuse can greatly impact an individual’s quality of life—including their ability to hold down a job or maintain personal responsibilities. At Beachside Teen, we offer a variety of programming for substance use disorders (SUDs).
  • Unrealistic Standards: Some individuals may compare themselves to others or have too high of expectations from childhood. This pressure can cause fear of failure and an overall lack of motivation and perseverance. 
  • Trauma: A traumatic childhood may inhibit a person from finding purpose and peace in their lives. Therapy can help these individuals reduce the painful effects of trauma and find healing. 
  • Neurodivergent: Individuals with conditions such as autism and ADHD may find the challenges of becoming independent more intense. When faced with overwhelming emotions or uncertainty about adulthood, they may retreat into familiar environments. Professional intervention can help parents support their child through this challenging stage.

Other causes of failure to launch may include a lack of life skills, poor emotional regulation, and an inability to cope with stress. 

How to Overcome Failure to Launch Syndrome

There are several therapeutic approaches that can help individuals overcome failure to launch and find purpose and success in their lives. It is also important to note that the encouragement and empathy of loved ones are conducive to building confidence and fostering personal development.

Types of therapies and services that can help those struggling with failure to launch include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a goal-oriented therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Motivational Interviewing: This is a collaborative and empathetic approach to therapy that helps individuals resolve inner conflicts and build the motivation needed to make meaningful change.
  • Life Skills Classes: Life skills classes teach essential skills like communication, budgeting, and problem-solving to help teens and young adults navigate daily challenges without help.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy allows parents to support their children in healthy ways, while helping clients establish boundaries and overall improve relationships. 
  • Career Counseling: This type of counseling is essential in helping individuals explore their strengths, interests, and goals, so that they can make informed decisions about their career paths. 
  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT): This approach encourages individuals to accept their emotions and thoughts without judgment, while focusing on living in a way that aligns with their core values.
  • Trauma Therapy: This type of therapy helps individuals process and heal from the emotional, psychological, and physical effects of trauma.

Get Help in Malibu, CA Today!

At Beachside Teen, we understand how much you want to see your child or loved one succeed. Our compassionate team is committed to providing each person who walks through our doors with the tools and resources needed to lead a fulfilling and happy life. We offer a full suite of services designed to meet the unique needs and goals of each of our clients.

To learn more about how we can help you or your loved one get on the right track, give us a call or visit our admissions page today.